For the Love of Bernie

I was super excited when Dan reached out about wanting to do a custom Bernie Sanders artwork for his office. While I know that most people might not want to get political, I am definitely NOT one to shy away from the subject!

Dan and I immediately connected (mutual appreciation, I’m sure) and we chatted a bit about my custom design process, and our thoughts for building the perfect meme to compliment Bernie. I advised Dan that the best route to go for this project, would be to decide on the image first, and let that inform the meme quote content.

Although Dan admits he is not a cat person, we both were immediately excited about Bernie’s cat portrait. We decided to mix it with the recent trauma of our former President’s best quote… and the rest is history!

I personally LOVE the colors of the portrait, and decided to compliment them with a black painted and distressed wood frame. Cricut also came in super handy with the perfect font choice for the project!

Thank you Dan for commissioning such a fun custom design!
